Audere est Facere - "To Dare is To Do"

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Inspired By Rage


Okay, I had no internet connection for the past 3 days. Why? Well Streamyx messed up again. You guys cannot imagine the frustration I was going through. I managed to get hold of the Streamyx douchebags on the phone and I demanded to know what was the problem. And they told me the funniest thing ever. They said that it wasn't only my internet connection that was down, people that lives in my area were suffering as well. So I asked why is there such a problem. They said it was because of the recent heavy rain then their system got all messed up. Something like that. So from that I guess TMnet is really poor. I mean, their buildings must still be
sheltered with 'atap' and is still probably powered by buffalos or something.

So anyways, I am really pissed off by the internet service I am getting. So angry that the rage in me actually inspired me to doodle. Yes, this is why this post is called "Inspired by Rage". Enjoy.

So close to pulling the trigger.

Lol, yes I think I overdid this entire thing. Initially I wanted to just draw a quick doodle on my anger but really, rage does wonders to ones creativity. I really enjoyed this piece. The leather jacket and converse shoes. Streamyx as a fat geek. Rawr! Oh yea. I'm hellu tired from doodling so I'll do the coloring later. Hehe.


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